Oil paintings

ShofarShofar. 80×100 cm

SisyphusSisyphus. 60×90 cm

TravelingTraveling with the dragon. 60×80 cm

Return of Don QuixoteReturn of Don Quixote. 70×70 cm

Effect of NoahEffect of Noah. 70×70 cm

Prophet EliyahuExpectation (Prophet Eliyahu). 112×140 cm

MessiahAppearance (Messiah). 112×140 cm

Jerusalem’s spinning topJerusalem’s spinning top (Sevivon). 70×70 cm

EdenEden. 65×70 cm

Snow in JerusalemSnow in Jerusalem. 80×100 cm

Dead SeaDead Sea. 70×100 cm

IntertemporalIntertemporal. 70×50 cm